194 words
1 minutes
making a "search engine"!

so (yet again) the other day, it was around 2am… i was programming on mobile data (cuz my mother unplugged the wifi that night) and i was using EE Stay Connected (which was slow as HELL). just to make a simple web search on any search engine, it would take around 5 minutes to load the page. so i thought to myself, “why not make a search engine that’s super lightweight and fast?” and that’s how i started making my own “search engine”.

so i started by scraping DuckDuckGo with a library called duck-duck-scrape. i then made a simple html page using bun and elysia’s jsx plugin (god i love bun) with a search bar and a list of search results. i then added a little bit of css to make it look nice and voilà! i had my own search engine.

i later added an actual main page which was just a heading and input lmao… this is actually a pretty fun project to work on, and would also make a fun started project for anyone who wants to get into web/backend development.

anyways i hope i can update this blog some more… au revoir :3